The FTP Client is designed to provide basic FTP functionality as a SOAtestSOAtest a SOAtest or VirtualizeVirtualize toolVirtualize tool. Both FTP and SFTP (Secure FTP) are supported.
- Protocol: Choose the desired protocol (either FTP or SFTP). In SFTP mode, all transfers are in Binary format.
- Host, Port, Username, Password: Specify the connection settings. These can be parameterized (using values from a data source added to your suite), or you can use environment variables in Literal Mode.
- Local Folder: Specify the path on your local machine where downloaded files should be saved and uploaded files can be found.
- Transfer Mode: Specify the transfer mode to use. If binary files will be transferred, use Binary. Otherwise, use ASCII (default).
Timeout: Specify the number of seconds that SOAtestSOAtest that SOAtest or VirtualizeVirtualize will Virtualize will wait after attempting to send or receive data before terminating the connection.
- Commands table: Specify the commands that you want the FTP Client to perform, in the order in which you want them performed. Available commands include:
- pwd - Print working directory.
- ls - List directory
- cd - Change directory
- mkdir - Make a directory
- rmdir - Delete a directory
- rm - Delete a file
- put - Upload a file
- get - Download a file