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By default, the Quality Tasks view shows cumulative results for all tested resources. For example, if you imported results from DTPTeam Server, then ran two tests from the GUI, the Quality Tasks view would show all imported tasks, plus all results from the subsequent two tests.





From the GUI

Generating the Report


  1. After the test has completed, click the Generate Report button that is available in the Test Progress panel’s toolbar.

  2. Complete the Report dialog that opens. The Report dialog allows you to specify:
    • Preferences: Report preferences (by clicking the Preferences button and specifying settings as settingsas explained in Configuring Reporting Settings).

    • Option file: Any settingslocalsettings/options that specify reporting settings you want to use. These will override settings specified in the GUI’s Preferences panel).For details on configuring reports through settingslocalsettings, see see Configuring SettingsLocalsettings.

    • Report location: The location of the report file. Default is <USER>\AppData\Local\Temp\parasoft\reports (Windows) or <USER>\parasoft\reports (macOS).
    • Open in browser: Whether the file is automatically opened in a browser.
    • Delete on exit: Whether the the  report is deleted upon exit.
    • Generate reports: Whether a  report should be created.
    • Publish reports to Team Server: Whether the report should be uploaded to the Team Server (Server Edition only; requires Team Server). To enable this option, Team Server must be properly configured in the Team Server preferences.
  3. Click OK to open the report. to open the report. 

Uploading the Report to Team Server

To upload the report to Team Server (Server Edition only):

  • Follow the above procedure, but be sure to enable Publish reports to Team Server before clicking OK.
titleHow do I aggregate or separate results from multiple test runs?

Team Server uses the following criteria to identify unique reports:

  • Host name
  • User name
  • Session tag
  • Day - each day, only the last test run is used in trend graph

If your team performs multiple cli runs per day—and you want all reports included on Team Server—you need to use a different session tag for each run. You can do this in the Test Configuration’s Common tab (using the Override Session Tag option).

Image Added

From the Command Line

To generate a report of command line test results, use the -report %REPORT_FILE% option with your cli command. To upload the report to Team Server, also use the -publish option. See Testing from the Command Line Interface - soatestcli for details.

titleConfiguring Detailed Reports
If you want your report to show details about every test that ran, including tests that did not fail, configure reporting preferences with the Only tests that failed and Only top-level test suites options disabled.
