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You can configure how SOAtest connects to other Parasoft systems, reports errors, determines code authorship, and performs other functions by configuring your preferences in a localsettings settings file. If a parameter is specified in this file and there is an equivalent parameter in the GUI’s Preferences panel (see see Configuring Preferences Overview), the localsettings settings parameter will override the parameter specified from the GUI. Localsettings Settings can be used to:

  • Enter GUI-specified and manually-specified settings into Parasoft DTP, which centralizes reporting and preference distribution across the team.
  • Configure and use different setting configurations for different projects.
  • Extend or override team-wide settings as needed (for example, for settings that involve local paths).
  • Adjust settings without having to open the GUI.
  • Share preferences across a team, as well as to apply different groups of settings to different projects and test runs. 




Localsettings Settings are defined in a .properties configuration file. Enter them manually in a simple text file. There are no name or location requirements. Each local setting should be entered in a single line.

You can also export your GUI preferences as described in Exporting GUI Preferences to a localsettings settings File to quickly create the file and adjust or extend them as needed.



This variable specifies the value of an environmental variable. Use a colon followed by the name of a system environment variable before the closing curly brace to output the value of the environment variable.



Outputs the name of the tested project. If more than one project is provided as an input, the name of the project tested is printed followed by an ellipsis (...).



It outputs the name of the general DTP project that results are linked to. Only applies when connected to DTP. 



Outputs the workspace name or Visual Studio solution name.


report.mail.subject=Code Review Scanner Results for ${workspace_name}


Outputs the name of executed test configuration. Only applies to reports and email settings.


report.mail.subject=Findings from running ${config_name} on the ${project_name}


Outputs a comma separated list of enabled analysis types (for example: Static, Execution). Only applies to reports and email settings.


report.mail.subject=${analysis_type} findings


Outputs the name of the tool.


report.mail.subject=Tests executed by ${tool_name}


Outputs the current time. The default is yyyy-MM-dd. You can customize the format, for example:


Specifying Which


Settings to Use

You can store localsettings settings in DTP where they are automatically applied to connected tools or in a local file where they can be specified from the command line. 

Multiple layers of localsettings settings can be active for a single test run.

For details on how to store and apply localsettingssettings, see Configuring Preferences Overview


  • Each setting should be entered on a single line.
  • If a parameter is specified in localsettingssettings, it will override the related parameter specified from the GUI. If a parameter is not specified in localsettingssettings, the parameter specified in the GUI will be used.
  • If you are importing preferences from localsettings settings specified in DTP and you want to override these settings from the GUI, you can disable the Use DTP settings option on the appropriate page, then manually configure the settings.
  • If any localsettings settings problems are detected during a test run, details will be reported in the command line output.
  • If you are running cli mode from a developer/tester desktop (as opposed to from a Server machine), use the tasks.clear=false option to ensure that your results from previous runs are preserved.

Reporting Settings


Some of the settings described in this section have been deprecated.


Specifies a build identifier used to label results. It may be unique for each build but may also label more than one test sessions that were executed during a specified build. The maximum length for a build ID is 128 characters.

Default:  ${dtp_project}-${time:yyyy-MM-dd}

dottest.install.dir=[directory]Specifies where dotTEST is installed. Used by SOAtest to create and upload a coverage report to DTP after test execution against a .NET-based application.
jtest.install.dir=[directory]Specifies where Jtest is installed. Used by SOAtest to create and upload a coverage report to DTP after test execution against a Java-based application.

Determines if the reports contain a list of the rules that were enabled for the test.

Default: false


Enables the generation of an additional compressed archive (.zip) file in the specified report location. The ZIP file contains all the files generated to build the report. 

This option can generate an archive for any report format (e.g., HTML, CSV, PDF, etc.). 

By generating an archive, you can also perform custom transformations of the report because all of the elements are generated to the specified destination folder.

Default: false


Specifies whether the report shows requirements, defects, tasks, and feature requests that are associated with a test.

Default: false


Determines whether the report includes an overview of the number and type of tasks assigned to each team member. 

Default: true


Determines whether the report includes an overview of the files that were checked or executed during testing.

Default: false


Specifies the version of the XML coverage report.

Specify 1 to enable the basic (legacy) coverage report.

Specify 2 to enable the enhanced coverage report (JaCoCo). 

Default is 2



Specifies the location and extension of the XSL file for a custom format. Used with report.format=custom

For details and examples, seeConfiguring Reporting Settings.


Determines whether manager reports include details about team member tasks.

Default: false


Determines whether the system generates detailed reports for all team members (in addition to a summary report for managers). 

Default: true


Specifies the report format.

Default: html


Determines whether HTML reports are generated and saved on the local file system. XML reports are generated and saved regardless of this setting’s value.

Default: true

report.graph.cs_start_date=[MM/dd/yy]Determines the start date for trend graphs that track  static analysis tasks over a period of time.  This setting has been deprecated.
report.graph.ue_coverage_start_date=[MM/dd/yy]Determines the start date for trend graphs that track coverage over a period of time.  This setting has been deprecated.
report.graph.ue_start_date=[MM/dd/yy]Determines the start date for trend graphs that track test execution results over a period of time.  This setting has been deprecated.

Specifies whether absolute file paths are added to XML data. This needs to be enabled on the Server installation if you want to relocate tasks upon import to desktop installations. 

Default: false


Determines whether reports are sent as attachments. All components are included as attachments; before you can view an HTML report with images, all attachments must be saved to the disk.

Default: false[email_addresses]Specifies where to mail comprehensive manager reports. This setting must be followed by a semicolon-separated list of email addresses. This setting is typically used to send reports to managers or architects. It can also be used to send comprehensive reports to team members if such reports are not sent automatically.

Specifies that you want to email a compact report or link rather than a complete report. 

If trends is used, the email contains a trend graphs, summary tables, and other compact data; detailed data is not included.

If links is used, the email contains only a link to a report (which is available on the deprecated Team Server)

report.mail.domain=[domain]Specifies the mail domain used to send reports.

Determines whether reports are emailed to team members  and to the additional recipients specified with the cc setting. 

Remember that each team member with assigned tasks will automatically be sent a report that contains only the assigned tasks.  

Default: false

report.mail.exclude=[email_addresses]Specifies any email addresses you do not want to receive reports. This set-ting is used to prevent automated sending of reports to someone that worked on the code, but should not be receiving reports.

Specifies whether reports should be mailed to any team member whose email is not explicitly listed in the property. This setting is used to prevent reports from being mailed to individual team members.

Default: false


Specifies the email format.

Default: html

report.mail.from=[email_address OR user_name_of_the_same_domain]

Specifies the "from" line of the emails sent.

Default: <global_user_name>

report.mail.include=[email_addresses]Specifies the email addresses of team members that you want to receive individual reports. This setting must be followed by a semicolon-separated list of email addresses. This setting is typically used to send individual reports to team members if such reports are not sent automatically (for example, because the team is not using a supported source control system). It overrides team members specified in the 'exclude' list. 

Determines whether reports are sent to the manager only if a task is generated or a fatal exception occurs. Team member emails are not affected by this setting; individual emails are sent only to team members who are responsible for reported tasks.

Default: false


Specifies the mail server host’s port number.

Default: 25[SL| STARTTLS| NONE]Specifies the desired security. Available settings are  SSL, STARTTLS, NONE. SSL is not available in Visual Studio.
report.mail.server=[server]Specifies the mail server used to send reports.
report.mail.subject=My New Subject

Specifies the subject line of the emails sent. The default subject line is ${tool_name} Report - ${config_name}. For example, if you want to change the subject line to "SOAtest Report for Project A", you would use

report.mail.subject=SOAtest Report for Project A

Default: ${tool_name} Report - ${config_name}


Specifies a time delay between emailing reports (to avoid bulk email restrictions).

Default: 0

report.mail.unknown=[email_address OR user_name_of_the_same_domain]Specifies where to mail reports for errors assigned to "unknown".
report.mail.username=[username] report.mail.password=[password] report.mail.realm=[realm]

Specifies the settings for SMTP server authentication.

The realm value is required only for those servers that authenticate using SASL realm.


Determines whether an XML report with metrics summary information (as well as individual class and method detail data where applicable) is produced. This report will be generated only when a metrics-enabled Test Configuration is run. Metrics details will be shown in HTML and PDF reports.

Default: true


Specifies whether API Security reports are sorted by CWE or OWASP 2021 Top 10.

Default: CWE


Determines whether reports include a section about setup problems. 

top - Adds a "Setup Problems" section to the top of the report. This is the default. 

hidden - Prevents a "Setup Problems" section from being added.

bottom - Adds a "Setup Problems" section to the bottom of the report. 

Default: bottom


Determines whether reports include suppressed messages.

Default: false


Determines whether reports include test parameter details.

Default: false


Determines whether the Test Suite Summary report section only lists the .tst files (with this option enabled) or displays a tree-like view of the individual tests in each .tst file (with this option disabled). SOAtest only

Default: true


Determines whether a test's HTML report links to another report that includes source code annotated with line-by-line coverage details. 

The following values can be used for [coverage_type]:

LC - for line coverage


Specifies a session tag used to label these results. This value is used for uploading summary results to the deprecated Team Server. 

The tag is an identifier of the module checked during the analysis process. Reports for different modules should be marked with different tags.

Default: ${config_name}

This setting specifies if additional information from source control, such as revisions and comments, is included in the report.



Enables auto-configuration using settings stored in DTP.

Default: false


Determines whether SOAtest or Virtualize is connected to DTP. 

Default: false

dtp.user=[username]Specifies the username for DTP user authentication.

Specifies the password for DTP user authentication.

We strongly recommend encoding your password to ensure successful authentication and a secure connection. You can encode your password by running a command line instance of SOAtest with the -encodepass flag. The command line tool will generate an encoded string that you can use in the configuration file. 

See CLI Options for additional information.

dtp.context.path=[path] Specifies the path to DTP. The context path is a relative path from the host name specified with the dtp.server setting. This setting should only be configured if DTP is deployed to a location other than the root of the host server, which may be the case if your organization uses a reverse proxy.
report.dtp.publish=trueEnables/disables publishing test result data to DTP.
dtp.server=[host]Specifies the host name of the Parasoft DTP server. 

Specifies the name of the DTP project that you want these results linked to. 

For more details on general projects, see Connecting to DTP.

Default: Default Project

Team Server Settings (Deprecated)


The settings described in this section have been deprecated.


Enables/disables the connection to the Parasoft Team Server. 

Default: false[name]Specifies the machine name or IP address of the machine running Team Server. 

Specifies the Team Server port number.

Default: 18888


Determines whether username and password are submitted to connect to Team Server. Usernames/passwords are not always needed; it depends on your team’s setup. 

If the first setting is true, the second and third settings specify the username and password.

Note that Team Server must have the username and password setting already enabled before these settings can be used.

tcm.server.accountLogin default: false



Specifies where the authorship mapping file is stored. This setting defaults to team unless local or shared is specified.

If set to local (recommended), authorship mappings can be set directly in localsettingssettings. See authors.mapping and authors.user{n} for details.

If set to shared, you can store map-pings in a local file using the authors.mappings.file option. 

The team and shared options are deprecated. Files specified by these options should be in the previously-used format of:

#author to author
#author to email
[email protected]

 Default: team

authors.mapping{n}=[from_user, to_user]

Specifies a specific author mapping for authors.mappings.location=local, as described above.

For example:


authors.user{n}=[username, email, full_name]

Specifies a specific author name and email for authors.mappings.location=local.

For example:

authors.user1=dan,[email protected],Dan Stowe
authors.user2=jim,[email protected],Jim White 


Specifies the location of a "shared" file as described in authors.mappings.location above.

For example:


Determines whether author names are case sensitive. If true, David and david will be considered the same user. If false, David and david will be considered two separate users.

Default: false


Determines whether code authorship is computed  based on a data from a supported source control system. 

Default: false


Determines whether code authorship is computed based on the local user.

Default: true


Determines how the Recommended Tasks are selected for each team member. You can set the following modes:

random: (default) Assigns a random number tasks.

first: The first tasks reported are shown to each team member per day.


Determines whether task assignment is computed based on XML files that define how you want tasks assigned for particular files or sets of files (these mappings can be specified in the GUI then saved in an XML file).

Default: true

scope.xmlmap.file=[file]Specifies the name of the XML file that defines how you want tasks assigned for particular files or sets of files.



datasources.jdbc.classpath=[path1];[path2];[path3] ...

Specifies the location of JDBC driver jar files and class folders.

Special characters (spaces, slashes, colons, etc.) must be escaped; for instance: 

%20 = SPACE
%3A = :
%5C = \
%7B = {
%7D = }
%24 = $

If listing multiple jars, use \n as a delimiter.

For example, C:\temp\withspace\${example}\jar.jar


C%3A%5Ctemp%5Cwith%20space%5C$2 4%7Bexample%7D%5Cjar.jar\n 

scripting.jython.homeSpecifies the Jython installation directory. This must be a single directory. Use a forward slash (/) or backslash (\) to escape special characters.

scripting.jython.pathUsed to add to your path a list of directories to search for python modules that are not in your jython.home/Lib directoryalready included with Jython. Multiple paths can be listed . Use a forward slash (/) or backslash (\) to escape special characters using the OS default path separator (";" for Windows and ":" for Linux and macOS).
scripting.timeout.minutesSpecifies the number of minutes after which the product will attempt to stop an unresponsive script and log an error message.[path1];[path2];[path3] ...

Specifies which jar files and class folders are in the classpath. For example:\:\\myjars\\myLib1.jar;C\:\\myjars\\myLib2.jar data models that specify how to convert fixed-length data to and from XML. Enter a semicolon-separated list of directories that contain the appropriate data models.
browsertesting.chrome_executable_pathSpecifies the path to the Chrome executable. 
browsertesting.firefox_executable_path=[path]Specifies the path to the Firefox  executable.
browsertesting.proxy_port=[port]Specifies the proxy port. See the SOAtest User’s Guide> Proxy Configuration Details topic for more information and tips.
browsertesting.browser_communication_port=[port]Specifies the browser communication port.
browsertesting.startup_timeout=[seconds]Specifies the length of delay (in seconds) after which SOAtest should stop waiting for browser startup and consider it to be "timed out."
browsertesting.user_action_timeout=[seconds]Specifies the length of delay (in seconds) after which SOAtest should stop waiting for a user action and consider it to be "timed out."
browsertesting.page_load_timeout=[seconds]Specifies the default length of delay (in seconds) after which SOAtest should stop waiting for a page to load and consider it to be "timed out."


Specifies the default length of delay (in seconds) after which SOAtest should stop waiting for an asynchronous request and consider it to be "timed out."
browsertesting.element_timeout=[seconds]Specifies the default length of delay (in seconds) after which SOAtest should stop waiting for an element and consider it to be "timed out."
browsertesting.dialog_timeout=[seconds]Specifies the default length of delay (in seconds) after which SOAtest should stop waiting for a dialog to open and consider it to be "timed out."

Specifies the default length of delay (in seconds) after which SOAtest should stop waiting for traffic to complete loading and consider it to be
"timed out."

browsertesting.print_debug_info=true|falseDuring recording of a browser functional test scenario, it is possible that an action taken is not recorded by SOAtest. Enabling this option will allow messages to be printed to the console during recording, with information about what events SOAtest handled, any locators that may have been generated, and if applicable, any exceptions that took place during recording.


Allows binary files with the specified extensions to be used in the Traffic Viewer and output. By default, only text files will be allowed. Extension lists are comma-separated.


Allows binary files with the specified MIME types to be used in the Traffic Viewer and output. By default, only text files will be allowed. MIME type lists are comma-separated.
browsertesting.content_fetch_mode=all.con-tent|non.hidden.iframesEnables you to determine whether the contents of hidden frames are dis-played in the pre- and post-action HTML viewer.  For more details on this setting, see the SOAtest User’s Guide. that you want to accept any certificate. This is useful if you want to load pages whose certificates are not "trusted." that you want to accept only certificates from the standard list of Java trusted certificate vendors.



Specifies location of the CTP server. Required

Example: env.manager.server=http://em_hostname:8080/

Specifies the name that will be used to label this server in CTP. You can specify any value that helps you identify this server. Optional



Determines whether the Virtualize server notifies CTP when virtual assets are deployed. Optional

Example: env.manager.notify=true


Specifies the username for logging into CTP. Optional

Example: env.manager.username=me


Specifies the password for logging into CTP. Optional

Example: env.manager.password=12345

We strongly recommend encoding your password to ensure successful authentication and a secure connection. You can encode your password by running a command line instance of SOAtest or Virtualize with the -encodepass flag. The command line tool will generate an encoded string that you can use in the configuration file.

See CLI Options for additional information.





The Team Server settings described in this section have been deprecated.

Example 1

Code Block
# Team Server settings: (these may be redundant with settings already specified in Team Preferences of the installed version, so may not be needed).
# Report settings
session.tag=<project name>
# Mail settings:
report.mail.enabled=true<[email protected];[email protected]>
report.mail.subject=<Static Analysis results on Project X> 
