Upgrading Upgrading Selenium Client Libraries (Includes Updating WebDriver Support for Firefox )The following is always the first step for updating Selenium WebDriver—no matter what browser you want it to use for playback. WebDriver support for Firefox will be upgraded as part of this process. Go to http://search.maven.org.Search for and download the following .jar files from maven.org:- selenium-api-<version>.jar
- selenium-chrome-driver-<version>.jar
- selenium-chromium-driver-<version>.jar
- selenium-devtools-v85-<version>.jar
- selenium-devtools-v94-<version>.jar
- selenium-devtools-v95-<version>.jar
- selenium-devtools-v96-<version>.jar
- selenium-edge-driver-<version>.jar
- selenium-firefox-driver-<version>.jar
- selenium-firefox-xpi-driver-<version>.jar
- selenium-http-<version>.jar
- selenium-ie-driver-<version>.jar
- selenium-java-<version>.jar
- selenium-json-<version>.jar
- selenium-remote-driver-<version>.jar
- selenium-safari-driver-<version>.jar
- selenium-support-<version>.jar
Remove the <version> suffix from each of the downloaded jar files.In the SOAtest installation directory, run the update.bat script (for Windows) or update script (GeckoDriver)To upgrade WebDriver’s support for Firefox, update GeckoDriver as follows: - Go to the GeckoDriver downloads page at https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases.
- Download the GeckoDriver for your architecture:
- For Windows 64-bit and 32-bit: geckodriver-<version>-win64.zip
- For Mac 64-bit: geckodriver-<version>-macos.tar.gz
- For Linux 64-bit: geckodriver-<version>-linux64.tar.gz
- Extract the
geckodriver executable from this .zip. - In the SOAest installation directory, run the
update.bat script (for Windows) or update script (for Linux and Mac) with the - the
–patch argument and - argument and the path to
each of the .jar files you downloaded- the
geckodriver executable file. Running this script will replace the version in the installation with the file referenced by the - the
patch argument- argument. It will also back up the replaced file in the installation by appending
a - a
.bak extension - extension to the file.
updateupdate.bat –patch /path/to/
[name_of_file].jargeckodriver.exe - For Linux or Mac:
Run - Run
./update –patch /path/to/
[name_of_file].jar. On some versions of Mac, you might need to manually copy the Selenium drivers.
After you have completed the above steps, you can confirm that Selenium WebDriver for Firefox was upgraded by going to the Firefox Add-Ons page and checking the version number. Upgrading WebDriver Support for Chrome (ChromeDriver)To upgrade WebDriver’s support for Chrome, update ChromeDriver as follows: - If you have not already done so, upgrade the Selenium client libraries as described in Upgrading Selenium Client Libraries (Includes Updating in Upgrading WebDriver Support for Firefox (GeckoDriver).
- Go to the ChromeDriver downloads page at http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/index.html.
- Download the latest release (you can click the LATEST_RELEASE link to find out what version is the latest).
- Download the ChromeDriver .zip file for your architecture:
- For Windows 64-bit and 32-bit: chromedriver_win32.zip
- For Mac 64-bit and 32-bit: chromedriver_mac32mac64.zip
- For Linux 64-bit: chromedriver_linux64.zipFor Linux 32-bit: chromedriver_linux32.zip
- Extract the
chromedriver.exe file executable from this .zip. - In the SOAtest installation directory, run the
update.bat script (for Windows) or update script (for Linux and Mac) with the –patch argument and the path to the chromedriver.exe file executable file. Running this script will replace the version in the installation with the file referenced by the the patch argument. It will also back up the replaced file in the installation by appending a .bak extension to the file.- For Windows: Run
update.bat –patch /path/to/chromedriver.exe - For Linux or Mac: Run
./update –patch /path/to/chromedriver
To upgrade WebDriver’s support for Microsoft Edge, update EdgeDriver as follows: - If you have not already done so, upgrade the Selenium client libraries as described in Upgrading Selenium Client Libraries (Includes Updating WebDriver Support for Firefox (GeckoDriver).
- Go to the Microsoft WebDriver download page (https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/webdriver/) and download the driver for your version of Edge (see Browser Support for version support details).
- Save the driver to the appropriate directory for your OS:
- Windows:
<SOATEST_INSTALL>\plugins\com.parasoft.ptest.libs.web_<version>\root\browsers\webdriver\edge\windows\x86 - Linux:
<SOATEST_INSTALL>\plugins\com.parasoft.ptest.libs.web_<version>\root\browsers\webdriver\edge\linux\x86_64 - MacOS: