Click Add Port and enter a port number. You can enable the message proxy to automatically assign a port by specifying 0
as the port number. When the proxy is enabled, the assigned port number will appear in the console. The port is randomly assigned every time the message proxy is changed/enabled. You can also send a GET request to the messageProxies
API endpoint to return the automatically-assigned port number. See Testing Creating and Modifying Assets through the REST API for additional information.
Proxies can connect to an MQ manager using a global configuration or a local configuration. Global configurations are defined per Virtualizer Server and can be used by proxies or virtual assets deployed to the server (see Connections Tab). Local configurations are defined for individual proxies or assets.
You can not deploy a proxy or asset connected to a global MQ manager if the MQ manager connection configuration does not exist on the destination Virtualize Server. If you need to move or copy a proxy/asset to another Virtualize Server, you can manually define the MQ manager connection or use the copy function to add the connection settings to the destination server (see Copying an MQ Manager Connection).
Preventing Infinite Loops