Versions Compared


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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space ENGINES1031 and version 2021.2


  • The Universal Windows Apps project types in Visual Studio 2015 and later is not fully supported. Nuget dependencies that are stored in the project.json file are not resolved during analysis, which may impact results.
  • Some coding standard rules do not support x64 Assemblies.
  • Calculating metrics on machines without Visual Studio 2015 may require "Microsoft Build Tools 2015" which can be downloaded from
  • dotTEST cannot calculate metrics for websites written in mixed C# and VB code.
  • dotTEST does not support running Microsoft Code Analysis on Web Site projects, and does not report findings reported by Code Analysis on an entire module  (such as an assembly).
  • Due to the MSTest framework limitations, results of MSTest parameterized tests executed with VSTest are accumulated and reported as a single test.
  • VStest adapters fail to provide information about source code location when the full format of PDB files is selected in .NET Core 3.x or .NET. As a result:
    - Test execution with dotTEST can only be applied to the entire assembly (running tests on selected files is not available).
    - dotTEST reports may include information about projects that are "unknown".

  • Analyzing Visual Basic projects with dotTEST requires that the "Strict" and "Explicit" options be enabled in the VB project under test. Disabling any of these options may impact the accuracy of analysis results.
  • If the tested solution includes a project(s) whose solution-relative path contains the double-dot notation (/../), static analysis results reported by dotTEST 2021.2 may be inconsistent with the results reported by previous dotTEST versions. If this occurs, please contact Parasoft Support.

See Application Coverage for Web Applications for limitations for collecting coverage from web applications.
